Losing weight can seem like a losing proposition for many folks. In visiting with clients, I have found that most have attempted a number of different diets, and although some of these diets were successful in the short term, most had a tendency to fail over the...
10 Tips For Fortifying Your Immune System
Your body’s immune system is a complex network of proteins and cells that helps defend your body against infection. Keeping your immune system strong is vital in helping it protect against outside invaders such as viruses, parasites, fungi, toxins, and bacteria. A...
On Men’s Health: What are the Roles of Estrogen and Testosterone and Why are Your Levels Not Right?
To register for Dr. Maria's live presentation on Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 5:30 PM click here. Article Contents What are hormones and their relevance to daily function? Xeno-hormones: What are they and why be concerned? Hormone Disruptors: What are they and why be...
On Women’s Health: Re-Balancing the Im-Balance of Hormones
Balance is a special word that is what life is all about… Our bodies are all about keeping that proper equilibrium that we call homeostasis. Homeostasis is the natural ability of the body to maintain its internal stability. Given the best natural ingredients, balance...
A Call for Self-Action
It was sixty years ago this past month, on January 20, 1961, that the incoming president of our country, John F. Kennedy, would pose the statement “Ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you can do for your country”. As I reflect on this in 2021, I redirect...
Wake Up From the Illusion
The time to wake up to reality is yesterday. While you are living in the illusion that health is a given right, the powers of persuasion and seduction of a general “healthcare system” are leaping and hopping at wide open opportunities to hold you in its proverbial...
Naturopathic Doctor & WellCome OM Founder Dr. Maria Shares “What No One Knows”
WellCome OM Integral Healing & Education Center founder, Dr. Maria Scunziano-Singh, recently did a powerful interview with NOW Publishing's COO, Liza Marie Garcia. She had a chance to speak about her path into naturopathy and traditional medicine, as well as about...
Simply Sensible and Gentle Defense
As we all attempt to recreate our life schedules and decide how to interact with our families, co-workers, neighbors, and friends with this ‘viral menace’, the need for self-care and preservation is glaring at us. A sensible gentle defense of what we have and its...
Avert Disease: Re-Balance the Imbalance
The human body is a powerhouse of energy with a keenly orchestrated system of checks and balances to sustain it. At every fraction of time, there are forces – call them deific or divine – that protect the living body from utter ruination. In the world of science, this...
Message on Higher Consciousness from the Founder of WellCome OM
Our history is where the lessons all are… Unconscious choices are forcing us to awaken and change now. Life begs for higher awareness. Our global misconduct with our natural world is resurfacing as we, yet again, face the power of the invisible world of...