Bee Conscious

Honey Bee Day & Craft Fair

August 17th, 2024 • 10 AM - 2 PM

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Weddings • Parties • Business Conferences & More

Join us for FREE public workshops and classes on sustainable gardening given by experts in the field

Words of Wisdom
Wake Up From the Illusion

Wake Up From the Illusion

The time to wake up to reality is yesterday. While you are living in the illusion that health is a given right, the powers of persuasion and seduction of a general “healthcare system” are leaping and hopping at wide open opportunities to hold you in its proverbial...

We Stand for Love & Unity at OM

We Stand for Love & Unity at OM

At the WellCome OM Integral Healing & Education Center, our goal has always been to embrace & educate our fellow humans for the attainment of health, peace, and fulfillment in life. We strive to help all who come - inclusion and diversity are the core of our...

Unify, Fortify and Transform

Unify, Fortify and Transform

May I take this opportunity to express a world of gratitude to you all who have sacrificed for the sake of all humanity. Bravery and the drive to bring peace and harmony to a disturbed world is where you have gone and it is truly a massive feat for commendation. If...