Bee Conscious

Honey Bee Day & Craft Fair

August 17th, 2024 • 10 AM - 2 PM

Check Out Our New Events Venue Space

Rent Space for Your Next Event
Weddings • Parties • Business Conferences & More

Join us for FREE public workshops and classes on sustainable gardening given by experts in the field

A Message From Our Founder

The time and space has come to create a center where all who are present may experience a new awakening. 

To you who aspire to health-full living on many levels with healthy learning as a priority we invite you in.

It is through the minds, hearts and hands of WellCome OM staff that people of all ages may be facilitated to transform into healthier and happier beings.

It is quite possible for that a person with low vital energy or dormant strengths emerge with a very positive outcome, for example.

Maria Scunziano-Singh,
Naturopathic Medical Doctor
Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician

About the Name WellCome Om

We chose the name of the center to express the essence of health that is attained using a holistic approach. As such, we work in harmony through the scope of universal, natural and evidence-based scientific knowledge together with mind, body, and spirit to allow for a complete experience in the quest for wellness.

Om-Symbol-250x250 You may note that there is an intentional addition of another “l” to the word welcome to reflect and emphasize our meaning. So, the “well” will “come” “om” (remembering home). Om, while not quite the word “home”, is a true spiritual home for many human beings. Om is a two-letter word that has four syllables to be chanted and is highly symbolic in many religions and cultures throughout the world. Om is derived from ancient Sanskrit language that essentially captures the feel and totality of life.

The intonation or song of om with its four sounds of a-u-m-silence, is a combination of sounds that when produced will vibrate several areas of the body. A sounding of om done repeatedly allows for a meditative state that can change the way one feels in a very positive way.

Please note that while we are expressing complete reverence for the symbolism of om, our center is open to non-biased spiritual expression with no expectations for the public to endorse the meaning or concept.

About the WellCome Om Integral Healing & Education Center

The center is a unique entity that blends the skills of several beautiful individuals from varied training and expertise on a quest to simultaneously practice their treasured life skills and celebrate – in collaboration – a journey to ultimate wellness in all its facets.

Whether you seek the help of a medical doctor with a naturopathic background, an acupuncturist, master herbalist, yoga instructor, cooking instructor, life coach, counselor, reiki or massage therapist, the WellCome OM Integral Healing & Education Center will be the source for you to receive such services. Perhaps you are looking for a place to meditate? The center has just the place for you.

Welcome Om Auditorium in Spring Hill, FL
Welcome Om Yoga Building & Demonstration Kitchen in Spring Hill, FL

Open to All Ages

Not only adults but children will also have opportunities to explore, learn and play at the center with hands-on ability and free space to move. Organic planting, gardens with both edible food and flowers for beautification are essential elements present that all ages may enjoy. A library of learning books are also part of our educational tools available.

Other special experiences at the center will include class instruction on healthful cooking, nutritional counseling, qi gong, music and light therapy, stress management and more. While we seek to provide an ambiance of healing and education by our core staff, our center welcomes conscious enlightened providers and educators from near and far world over. Lectures, demonstrations, performances and other activities will be conducted in a part of the center we call our Auratorium.

We would hope to be a venue for special ceremonies like weddings and other special celebrations in our peaceful natural environment. Other events such as conscious marketing for vendors with unique or handmade crafts and products will also be welcome.

Let the reawakening begin.