Flexercising with Dr. Maria

Jul 8, 2021 | Healthy Living

What Does Flexercising Mean?

Flex is a word referring to one crucial aspect of exercise: flexion.

From the Latin flexiorem meaning to bend or curve.

The human body is comprised of bends and curves that are guiding us naturally to BEND or FLEX.

Mobility is the Main Goal

Mobility is the primary goal, but to have the full range of motion of all the joints and muscles, it is our duty as humans to maintain and improve the following in our bodies for better health and overall wellness:

  • Flexibility
  • Strength
  • Balance

Notice how you naturally seek to curl up, stretch out, and adjust your posture. A balanced body is often moving and changing the positions of the head, neck, torso, shoulders, and limbs. As our bodies age, we need to stay flexible, and this will take:

  • Conscious effort
  • Natural positions to maintain alignment and strength
  • Commitment to make your body the best it can be

man stretching in the morning

Start Your Day by Stretching

The universe is the macrocosm of flexibility and, as such, will manifest all living entities with such versatility and an infinite array of directions.

Waves, points, lines, and the combination of all are the universal movers that are subject to continuous change.

There are many ways to stretch your muscles, and if you think about when you first awaken in the morning, you find that you are automatically shifting your muscles to unwind and start moving for the day.

The stretch should be starting in your bed when the muscles can warm up and perform better as you ready yourself for a new day.

  • Start with the top of the head and proceed downward to flex all your muscles. As you open your eyes, so should you open all the joints.
  • Breathe in slowly for a count of 3-4 seconds and then out for a count of around 9 seconds. Keep this cadence. See how you can coordinate the breath and the movements of the body.
  • Notice how you can flex the muscles of your head, face, around the eyes, mouth, neck, shoulders, chest, back, hips, pelvis, buttocks, thighs, knees, calves, shins, ankles, feet, toes.
  • Focus on each part as you move from head to toes and when you have moved virtually every bit in a targeted way, proceed to go back upward to the head with larger muscle groups being moved.

This type of flexing is how you should start and finish your day. But, as the day moves on, connect with the body by exercising with:

  • A regular routine of movement that you enjoy that is focused on your health.
  • You should devote at least 5 minutes 4 times a day or as often as you wish without causing pain or strain that would be counterproductive.

Stretching To Invigorate and Loosen Your Body

Stretching is a form of flexion that will help invigorate and loosen the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, lymphatics and allow the body’s biochemicals to circulate much more effectively.

During this form of exercise, hormones will be distributed and metabolized. It will also allow the heart and circulatory system to be more energized as circulating biochemicals bombard one another and interact harmoniously.

Nothing is more stimulating and satisfying to the human body than allowing it to move with elasticity and contractility that balances the equation.

Flexion needs its complementary extension, and the cycle repeats itself.

Make Flexercisinga Part of Your Daily Wellness Routine

Flexercisingis a significant part of a daily program of health and well-being. Combined with strength and balance training, the entire scope is essential for a productive and revitalizing life.

Yoga stretches are a good way to start the day. You can follow a program, join a group, or have private instruction, but whatever you choose, you need to stay with it for life to benefit from the exercises.

Let the body flow with natural sound as you choose. Each person has their own style, comfort zone, and manner of movement. Follow the pattern that works for you.

Key Points

  • Be comfortable in your clothes and skin.
  • Footwear and/or bare feet need to be selected appropriately.
  • Have space and proper ventilation for movements.
  • You can exercise/flexercise anywhere — home, work, outside.
  • Equipment can include items such as a mat, a rug, the grass, cushions, stretch bands, a bar for balance, hoola hoop, dumbbells, a towel, a rebounder, or other simple tools to help.
  • Water for hydrating should be available near your body.
  • Flexing and strengthening should not cause pain and exhaustion.
  • Breath is very important so follow a rhythm of slow in and slower out.
  • Do not stress the back. The back must be kept in proper position throughout an exercise routine.
  • Watch that your joints are not pushed to a painful point.
  • The exercises should allow for a pull, tug and pleasant feeling without sharp, burning, lancinating pain.
  • If you are in pain, STOP and rest the body.
  • Have appropriate time to cool down after your exercise.

co-ed yoga classes

For more information on exercising/flexercising, balancing, and strengthening your mind and body, connect with the instructors at WellCome OM Integral Healing & Education Center, in Spring Hill, FL, that work with yoga and other types of movement to help you in your quest to be your best.

Dr. Maria Scunziano-Singh, MD, NMD, DipABLM
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