Men’s Health Lecture to Discuss Balance of Hormones and Keeping Up an Appetite for Life

Jun 1, 2021 | Press Releases

To register for Dr. Maria’s live presentation on Thursday, June 3, 2021 click here.

As recently published in The Suncoast News:

June is all about men as Dr. Maria Scunziano-Singh covers a timely topic about men’s health and why it’s important to keep their hormones balanced.

This free community education seminar is scheduled to take place at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 3, 2021 at the WellCome OM Integral Healing and Education Center, 4242 Lake in the Woods Drive, Spring Hill.

Following on the heels of a women’s health lecture in May, Scunziano-Singh will discuss what goes into the disruption of men’s hormones, what’s affecting them, and why those levels are all over the place.

“In this day and age, we’re seeing a lot of high estrogen in men and low testosterone,” Scunziano-Singh said. “It should be the other way around. This discussion is going to be about how very important it is to have those hormones in the right position, and how it is affecting your physiological function; how you think, how you move, how you go about your business, your drive, your motivation, your appetite for life.”

Everything from the food we eat, especially from the lack of nutrients in our processed foods, to the plastics we touch and the chemicals in our environment has an impact on our hormones, according to Scunziano-Singh. These factors begin to affect our bodies at a young age. Whether men have a deficiency in their hormones or are overloaded with too much of the wrong hormone can make their body not feel right.

Scunziano-Singh’s mission is to educate the public to consciously live a better life and make their bodies better. Exercise also plays a key role in overall health. Men have a misconception that yoga is a “woman’s thing,” Scunziano-Singh said, but it really isn’t. Breath work, meditation, and yoga can, in fact, enhance men’s health.

“Hormones are the batteries we need to run the car,” Scunziano-Singh said. “It’s not enough that our heart is beating and our lungs are breathing; those we know we can’t function without. There are other behind-the-scenes chemicals that we’re relying on to make those organs work well.”

Scunziano-Singh encourages women to attend the lecture as well, as it may help in the understanding of what their spouse, son, or other people in their lives may be going through.

An RSVP to attend is encouraged by calling 352-600-4242. For more information, visit to learn about more events.

Men's Health Lecture to Discuss Balance of Hormones and Keeping Up an Appetite for Life